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Fr Peter Beck presided and Dr Imogen de la Bere preached at the 10am Mass. The sermon focused on the life of Fr Henry Darwin Burton, who initiated the Anglo-Catholic tradition at St Michael's and went on to found St Saviour's Church in St Albans, UK. The Gospel reading was taken from Matthew 5: 1-12.

Read on for the sermon and a video of the service.

Download this week's pew sheet here.

Download this week's pew sheet here.

Fr Peter Beck presided and Simon Green preached at the 10am Mass. The Gospel reading was taken from Matthew 4: 12-23.

Read on for the sermon.

Fr Peter Beck presided and preached at the 10am Mass. The Gospel reading was taken from John 1: 29-42.

Read on for the sermon and a video of the service.

Download this week's pew sheet here.

Download this week's pew sheet here.

Download this week's pew sheet here.

Download this week's pew sheet here.

Download this week's pew sheet here.